What is a conversion value?

Glossary Conversion value

Simply put, in the world of iOS measurement, a conversion value represents an action or a series of actions taken by a user in an app. It’s how app developers and marketers gain critical insights into campaign performance for non-opted-in users on iOS. Each app will need to track different in-app events according to their app’s vertical, business needs, and KPIs. Apple’s SKAdNetwork (SKAN) lets app developers configure up to 64 conversion values (0-63) to up to six parallel user actions. With SKAN 4 comes the addition of coarse grain conversion values, which we discuss below.

These actions could represent an in-app event, chain of events, or characteristics that an app/developer determines as an indication of a valuable user. It’s up to the developer to determine how they map their conversion values, which combination of events makes sense, and what they want to measure.

How does this work, technically?

There are six bits of downstream metrics between 000000 and 111111 in binary. These 6-bit characters can be converted to the numbers 0 through 63.

With six bits of information available, each bit of the six-digit binary is treated as a switch that is triggered by designated events. 0 denotes an off switch and 1 signals that the switch is on. Simply put, each time an event is triggered, its representative “0” in binary becomes a “1”. A possibility of 64 total conversion values (the number 0, once converted, counts as one conversion value) can be configured this way.

Receiving conversion value data

SKAN was created to increase user privacy while still giving advertisers a way to attribute installs. To protect the identity of the user, Apple introduced a random timer following a registered conversion event. This timer dictates the length of time before a device sends a postback (the event data including the conversion value) to:

  • The ad network
  • The advertiser
  • The mobile measurement partner (MMP) – if they are set up as an additional endpoint

Since the postback is not received immediately, a single user cannot be linked to the data, guaranteeing anonymity.

The infamous 24-hour postback

Up until now, app developers have been working with Apple’s 24-hour measurement window timer to receive a postback. Every time the conversion value is updated, the timer window is extended by another 24 hours. Once this window expires, a second timer (this one for attribution) begins. Within this window, which can be up to 24-hours, SKAdNetwork randomly returns the attribution data, including the conversion value, to the network or advertiser.

Up until now, developers were limited to receiving only one postback containing information from the first 24-hours post-install with SKAN 3. With the introduction of SKAN 4 has come two additional postbacks for more measurement possibilities.

More flexibility with SKAN 4

With SKAN 4, there are three measurement windows and three postbacks. Together, they are referred to by Apple as multiple conversions. Here’s how the postbacks now work.

First postback

Measurement window: Now 0-2 days instead of 24 hours

Postback timer: Now up to 48 hours instead of up to 24 hours

Second postback

Measurement window: 3-7 days

Postback timer: Up to 144 hours (6 days)

Third postback

Measurement window: 8-35 days

Postback timer: Up to 144 hours (6 days)

Conversion Hub: Adjust’s conversion value mapping solution

Adjust’s conversion value solutions offer clients everything they need to confidently run iOS campaigns with maximized SKAN insights in addition and complemented by opted-in user data. Depending on a client’s needs, we can work within one of two modes:

63 CVs mode

Smart setup flow – Revenue mapping

This method focuses on giving clients granular insight into their monetization efforts for their iOS 14.5+ user base. Make use of all 63 possible conversion values by mapping revenue ranges to each value. Low revenue ranges are assigned to low conversion values from CV0 up, and the highest revenue range is assigned to the highest conversion value, CV63.

Events can also be measured with this mode, but they must be ordered according to the user journey so that visibility is maintained when the conversion value updates.

6-bit mode

Advanced setup flow – Behavior mapping

Maximize the transparency of user engagements post-install for complete user journey optimization. Up to six events can be chosen and mapped randomly to the binary characters’ six bits. Unlike with events in the 63 CVs mode, the order of your events won’t impact the conversion value you receive because the bits will directly represent the events.

These solutions allow clients to gather critical data, allowing them to optimize campaign efforts and deliver maximum ROAS on iOS. Regardless of the mode you choose, Adjust will help you and your team gain a comprehensive understanding of SKAN 4, conversion values, postbacks, and everything in between to make sure you are getting the most out of your iOS campaign insights.

Learn more about Adjust’s market-leading iOS solutions.

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