Perspectives Archives - WineAmerica The National Association of American Wineries Tue, 28 Mar 2023 12:25:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Perspectives Archives - WineAmerica 32 32 Biden Budget and Farm Bill Wed, 22 Mar 2023 16:52:51 +0000 Read more]]> Biden Budget and Farm Bill

The Biden Administration unveiled its 2024 Budget proposal which, like all of them in any year, is basically DOA in Congress but also a reflection of priorities. In this case, agriculture got a nice boost, up 14% to $30.1 billion for the United States Department of Agriculture to support increased research and implementation of the Farm Bill once it’s passed.

WineAmerica’s Michael Kaiser has also been meeting with the staff of House and Senate Agriculture Committee members on our Farm Bill priorities, including funding for the national vineyard survey. We have also submitted specific funding requests for that project through Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), plus Appropriations Committee Chair Patty Murray (D-WA) and Member Jeff Merkley (D-OR). The benefit of having WineAmerica members from over 40 states is that they, the actual constituents, can be the specific contacts requesting the funding. It makes a big difference.

Returning to Normal: Congressional Wine Reception

It’s been almost exactly three years since Covid essentially shut down the nation, including Congress, and it’s nice to see things start to return to normal. One sure sign is that WineAmerica will be joining Wine Institute and the Congressional Wine Caucus in hosting an American wine reception for members of Congress and staff. The event will take place on March 23, and will be the first of many. These receptions are great ways to recruit new CWC members and inform them of our priorities. Having a great, tasteful product like wine—compared to cement or computers, let’s say—gives our industry a leg up in attracting attendees.
