Press Release: Wine Industry Boosts American Economy by $276 Billion in 2022

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Jim Trezise, President, WineAmerica:
John Dunham, John Dunham & Associates:


What’s Wine Worth? $276 Billion

The Wine Industry Boosts the American Economy by over $276 Billion in 2022

WASHINGTON, DC, September 21, 2022 – The wine industry will generate more than $276 billion in economic activity for the American economy in 2022, according to a new study unveiled in Washington by Representatives Mike Thompson (D-CA) and Dan Newhouse (R-WA), Co-chairs of the Congressional Wine Caucus.

The study was conducted by John Dunham & Associates, a prominent economic research firm, and was sponsored by WineAmerica, the National Association of American Wineries in Washington. The total impact of $276.07 billion includes 1.84 million jobs and $90.13 billion in wages which flow not only to direct wine industry employees but also those of suppliers as well as workers in communities throughout the country.

Study Highlights

–Total Economic Impact: $276.07 billion
–Wine-Producing States: 50
–Wine Producers: 10,637
–Vineyard Acres: 119,520
–Jobs: 1.84 million
–Wages: $90.13 billion
–Tourist Visits: 49.1 million
–Tourist Expenditures: $16.69 billion
–Total Taxes: $22.83 billion
–Federal Taxes: $14.67 billion
–State and Local Taxes: $8.15 billion

Wine is an all-American beverage produced in all 50 states. The production, importation, export, distribution, sales, and consumption of wine benefit many sectors of the United States economy. This value-added product preserves agricultural land, provides American jobs, attracts tourists, generates taxes, and enhances the quality of life.

“The wine community plays a vital role not only in my district, but in every state across the country by creating jobs, providing unique tourism opportunities, and contributing to local economies,” said Rep. Thompson. “This report released by WineAmerica and John Dunham highlights the economic impact of the wine community throughout the United States and demonstrates the importance of our grape growing communities. I’m proud to be leading the efforts in Congress alongside Rep. Newhouse to advocate for the wine community and ensure that our growers and wine producers have the resources the need to continue to make these important contributions to our economy.”

The total impact illustrates that wine is the ultimate value-added beverage. The broader economic impact flows through the nation, generating business for firms seemingly unrelated to the wine industry. Real people, with real jobs, working in industries as varied as farming, banking, accounting, manufacturing, packaging, transportation, printing, and advertising depend on the wine industry for their livelihoods.

“The wine industry is an essential driving force for many rural economies, including Central Washington, yet perhaps more importantly, truly brings our communities together,” said Rep. Newhouse. “The report released by WineAmerica shows just how much of an impact this industry has in Central Washington and throughout the country. I’m proud to work in Congress alongside my Congressional Wine Caucus Co-Chair, Congressman Mike Thompson, to advocate for our winegrape growers and wine producers to ensure they are able to continue producing the high-quality wine we are so proud of.”

National Reach: Wine is not only consumed, but also produced, in all 50 states, a nationwide economic engine with a total of 10,637 wine producers and 119,520 independent vineyard acres.

Job and Wages Creation: The wine industry directly employs 1,007,059 people, and generates an additional 364,234 jobs in supplier and ancillary industries which supply goods and services to the industry, and whose sales depend on the wine industry’s economic activity. Ultimately 1.84 million jobs are created and supported by the wine industry, generating $90.13 billion in total wages.

Tourist Activity: Tourism generation is also a major benefit of the wine industry, and vital to its success. Wineries and wine regions are magnets for tourists and tourism-driven expenses which benefit local economies and tax bases. In 2022, America’s “wine country” regions will generate 49.1 million tourist visits and $16.69 billion in annual tourism expenditures.

Tax Revenues: The wine industry generates substantial tax revenues on the local, state, and national levels. In 2022, the industry will pay nearly $8.15 billion in state and local business taxes, and $14.67 billion in federal business taxes for a total exceeding $22.83. In addition, the industry generates approximately $875.18 million federal consumption taxes and $7.27 billion in state consumption taxes which include excise and sales taxes.

“Wine is many things – a farm product, liquid food, a social lubricant, a celebratory elixir, a sacramental beverage, and the most civilized and civilizing of beverages,” said WineAmerica President Jim Trezise. “But it’s also the ultimate value-added product which makes it a powerful economic engine on many levels. This study confirms that.”

In addition to the national statistics, this study includes detailed state-level breakdowns showing the economic benefits of the wine industry in each state, including in-state activity involving vineyards and wineries as well as economic benefits from wines originating in other states.

The national data, plus methodology and FAQ’s, is available at The state reports will be released over the following days.


About WineAmerica

WineAmerica is the National Association of American Wineries headquartered in Washington, DC, with a focus on grassroots public policy advocacy at the federal level to protect and enhance the business climate for the American wine industry. The organization also includes a State and Regional Associations Advisory Council (SRAAC) of winery trade association leaders from around the country, and represents over 400 members from 40 states.

About John Dunham & Associates

Founded in 2000, John Dunham & Associates (JDA) is an economic research firm primarily focused on policy economics. JDA’s senior team has extensive experience in the areas of government relations, communications, and issues management. JDA conducts economic analysis for a wide range of clients representing trade associations, companies, non-profits, law firms, and political campaigns. From economic impacts to tax and regulatory analyses, JDA can translate complex issues into simple, easy to understand messaging and advocacy marketing, and communication campaigns. The firm is headquartered in Florida with offices in New York and Washington, DC.

About the Congressional Wine Caucus

The Congressional Wine Caucus is a coalition of bipartisan, bicameral members dedicated to educating our colleagues about legislation and advancing priorities affecting our nation’s wine industry. The Congressional Wine Caucus, formed in 1999, was founded so that Members of Congress could learn about the challenges of growing grapes and making wine. Since then, the Congressional Wine Caucus has held numerous briefings and wine receptions on Capitol Hill and been involved in a wide variety of legislative initiatives with the goal of promoting our vibrant American wine industry from the vineyard to wine glass. There are currently more than 160 Members of Congress and Senators in the Congressional Wine Caucus.

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