Seminar: EU Labeling Requirements

When: Wednesday, June 21st at 3pm EST. 60 min.
Where: Zoom – Register Here
Who: WineAmerica members only. 

This December, the European Union will implement new nutritional labeling requirements on all beverage alcohol imported into the trading bloc. Join WineAmerica to learn how to ready your business for this important change.

Join Ignacio Sánchez Recarte is Secretary General of Comité européen des entreprises vins (CEEV) and Ricardo Garcia with ScanTrust as we discuss perspectives and guidelines on compliance with the pending EU labeling requirements.

Members Only: We are grateful for our members’ continued support of WineAmerica. This session is only open to WineAmerica members. All staff of a WineAmerica member are welcome to participate. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Tara Good at with any questions or assistance!


Ignacio Sánchez Recarte is Secretary General of Comité européen des entreprises vins (CEEV), the association representing European Union wine companies in the industry and trade, bringing together 24 national organisations from EU member states, plus Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Ukraine, as well as a consortium of four leading European wine companies. Dr. Sánchez Recarte manages the association and its strategic orientation and serves as the voice of the association. Before joining the CEEV in 2015, he served as Director of Internal Market & Sustainability at spiritsEUROPE and Director of Environmental Affairs and Innovation at Bodegas Chivite. Prior to that, he headed the Viticulture Unit and the Economy and Law Unit at the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV).



Ricardo Garcia currently serves as Director of Sales & Partnerships of the EMEA region at Scantrust – a company providing QR code based solutions for compliance and traceability for 10 years. He is driving Scantrust’s global e-label initiative for the wine industry and working with several multinational beverage producers to drive implementations for the new EU labelling rules.

Prior to that, he held several roles in business development in the software and consulting industry for over 6 years.


Background EU Labeling Requirements:

On December 6, 2021, the European Union published new rules concerning wine, dealcoholized and partially dealcoholized wine, and aromatized wine. These new rules introduce a compulsory nutrition declaration and a compulsory list of ingredients for wine products sold on the EU market beginning on December 8, 2023. The EU also established the conditions under which wine products may be dealcoholized or partially dealcoholized.

Under the Food Information to Consumers Regulation (Regulation 1169/2011), alcoholic beverages containing more than 1.2 percent of alcohol by volume are exempted from the obligation to bear a nutrition declaration and a list of ingredients. In order to provide a higher level of information to consumers, EU legislators decided to change the rule for wine products, which are regulated by the CAP. These changes do not apply to other alcoholic products such as beers or spirits. Regulation 2021/2117 introduces for wines, aromatized wines and dealcoholized and partially dealcoholized wines: a compulsory nutrition declaration and a compulsory list of ingredients Regulation 2021/2117 leaves producers the option of having the nutrition declaration on the package or on a label limited to the energy value, which may be expressed by using the symbol “E” for energy. In such cases, the full nutrition declaration shall be provided by electronic means identified on the package or on a label attached via QR code. The Regulation also states that the nutrition declaration shall not be displayed with other information intended for sales or marketing purposes and no user data shall be collected or tracked.

This could be what is in store here in the US in the coming years. We will outline exactly what you need to do to be compliant with the new EU rules, and how we could be seeing this on domestic wine labels sooner rather than later.

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