Celebrate, Meditate, Give

This is the time of year when people begin abandoning their computers to spend time with friends and family, so before you go I want to wish you a wonderful holiday season regardless of what you may celebrate–Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or simply the end of one year seguing into the next. How time flies!

This is also a time to slow down and cherish the many gifts we have been given, starting with the miracle of life itself. It is so easy to take for granted another beautiful sunrise, a warm home, plentiful food, fine wine, good health, freedom to travel, and so many more. Certainly being part of the wine industry is one of the greatest gifts for me. The product is a pleasure, but the people are the treasure.

And it’s the most wonderful time of the year to share our wealth with those less fortunate, which is the vast majority of the world. If indeed it is better to give than to receive, this is the season to do better. Opening presents is fun, but nothing compared with the thrill of helping other people live better lives.

Be well, and do good.

Merry Christmas…Chag sameach…Habari Gani…Salud…Sante…Prost...Skal…Cin Cin…Cheers!
