TTB Issues Interim Policy on Gluten Content Statements in the Labeling and Advertising of Wines, Distilled Spirits, and Malt Beverages

The TTB has issued an interim policy on the inclusion of gluten content statements on alcohol beverage products. The following passage pertains to wine, which can be labeled as gluten free:

TTB has received requests from various alcohol beverage industry members it
regulates who wish to use gluten-free statements on their labels and in advertisements.
Pending the issuance of a final rule by FDA, TTB is providing interim guidance on the
use of the term “gluten-free” on alcohol beverage labels and in advertisements subject
to TTB’s authority under the FAA Act. In the absence of a regulatory definition of the
term “gluten-free,” TTB believes that the term will be interpreted by consumers of
alcohol beverages to mean that the product contains no gluten.

Many alcohol beverage products subject to the FAA Act are produced without any ingredients that contain gluten. For example, a wine fermented from grapes, or a vodka distilled from potatoes, may be “gluten-free” if the producer used good manufacturing practices, took adequate precautions to prevent cross-contamination, and did not use additives, yeast, or storage materials that contained gluten. Under this interim policy, TTB will allow the use of a “gluten-free” claim in the labeling and advertising of such products. As always, it will be the responsibility of the importer or bottler of the product to ensure that the claim is truthful and accurate.

As always, it is essential for the wine labels and advertising to be truthful and accurate, so the use of “gluten-free” on the label must be documented if the TTB were to ask for proof. If you have any questions regarding this interim policy please contact WineAmerica. To read the entire ruling please follow this link.